It feels good to be praised, recognized and honored. But desiring that kind of attention is a spiritual trap. One time my wife and I were at a wedding reception and the funny thing is that we were moved from a prominent table (near the bride and...
I have seen the redemption of the Lord time and time again. God has been so faithful to be with me in times of uncertainty, confusion, persecution, and suffering. When I call out to Him because He seems far away or too “generous” in...
Don’t new born babes look so pure and innocent? Like little cherubs! And of course they are part of life’s great joys, for sure. But, are they really pure and innocent of sin?… Not for long! There has been a long debate about the...
I like to travel with my wife. Some people do not like to travel. But, there is an education in travel. I especially like learning the history in the ancient world in places like Israel, Germany, Italy. This September, Maureen and I will go with a...
In 1971 the band Main Ingredient sang a hit song with the lyrics “Everybody plays the fool, sometime… There’s no exception to the rule”. Who hasn’t acted like a fool at times? Think about all the silly decisions we make...
Ever hear a child say “that’s not right”! Usually they are referring to some bad behavior of a brother or sister who is doing what mom and dad said not to do. How do we know what is right? We have nature, a God-given conscience...
We have a growing problem these days- everyone does what is ‘right’ in their own eyes. People are confused about nearly every aspect of life. An entire generation has been taught there is no right or wrong. They are suffering for it...
My lovely wife and I have been married now for far longer than being single or apart. That’s fun to think about. For me, I certainly can say “my fountain is blessed”. What exactly that means, I am not quite sure… I suspect in...
How many of us remember Miyagi (from Karate Kid)? Who could forget “wax on, wax off”? When Daniel-son would ask Mr. Miyagi, How did you learn Karate, or some other life skill? He would answer, “Daniel-son, Father teach”. Our...
I like a good meal. Who doesn’t? I also enjoy those cooking shows on TV. Anyone remember “who’s in the kitchen with Dinah (Shore)?” Who is your favorite celebrity chef… Bobby Flay, Rachel Ray, Gordon Ramsey or Guy Fieri...
Elon Musk is a pretty smart guy. Along with Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and a myriad of entertainers, sports figures, and others, they have amassed great wealth by bringing convenience, productivity, creativity, and joy to other’s lives. Whether...
Have you ever gone into some place and realized you were ‘out of place’? Maybe it was a very holy place? Or some event in which you found yourself underdressed for the occasion. When the glory of God settled on the tabernacle, even Moses...
I am about to get ready for work today. When I was younger and worked for IBM Corp, I wore a suit to work every day. It was kind of my uniform. Dark suit, white shirt, tie, dress shoes (wingtips) Lol. Some of my work now is ministering to families...
Have you ever had someone “cover for you”? Maybe they covered a work shift, or completed a project, or paid the balance on a bill. When the ark of the covenant was constructed, the top piece (think Indiana Jones)… had two angels of...
I love being part of God-honoring projects. I’ve been to other countries to build homes for people. That special moment handing a father or mother keys to a new house is very exciting. When the zeal for God consumes you, it doesn’t...
Have you ever met someone who asks you that somewhat odd question, “tell me about yourself”? There is the “elevator speech”- you know, what you could say in a short elevator ride. Do you reveal something trivial and unique...
I don’t like to ‘stand out’ or draw attention to myself unnecessarily. There is a certain comfort in blending in. But, in some ways I am different from all the other people on the face of the earth. God is for me (His favor), with...
Ever hear someone say ‘look at that person, they are out of control’? Everyone has. A byproduct of being is Christian is that we exhibit Christlike character qualities or “fruit”. One such fruit in our lives is self-control...
In seventh grade I discovered one my favorite classes in school: woodshop! I loved using my hands to make something from wood (I still do). One of my first projects was to cut strips of pine and mahogany, glue them, plane them level, and cut a...
There is something great about walking downstairs in the morning and smelling bacon cooking! Likewise, a lovely perfume is also delightful to smell. One of the most famous perfumes of course is Chanel No. 5. Apparently it has endured over time as...
Do you ever feel like you have too many meetings? In some organizations it can feel like a slow death. Patrick Lencioni writes “The most justifiable reason to loathe meetings is that they don’t contribute to the success of our...
I love seeing a radiant sunset, elegant animal in the wild, and of course my lovely wife. They are beautiful. One of the mysteries that is difficult to explain for people without a faith in God, is why we appreciate beauty. In a purely evolutionary...
In 1970 Joni Mitchell recorded Big Yellow Taxi- with the famous words “don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you’ve got till its gone”. So much of life seems this way, doesn’t it? If only I could...
Isn’t it interesting that so much of what happened with the people of God in the Old Testament, has its spiritual fulfillment in us who believe in Christ? When Moses received the commands and statutes of God, he was amongst people with little...
Ever hear the saying ‘cinch by the inch’? ‘Slow and steady, wins the race’? I don’t like those phrases. Lol. I am a bit anxious and impatient at times, even with God. Sometimes I want God to bring about results...
Who hasn’t heard the phrase “an eye for an eye”? The original context is within the Mosaic law related to wrongdoing and restitution. It appears that the justice was meted out rather immediately and without consideration of a...
We are so fortunate to live under the rule of law in America. While all of our laws may not be truly good they are a safeguard for peaceful living. When Moses began to deliver the societal laws to the Israelites, he addressed the remedy for...
The western world is descending into chaos and lawlessness. There are a number of reasons. This is the unfortunate fate of free societies whose people reject God (see Psalm 2). It will be ours in America as well. The greatest gift God gave His...
I have a familiar and friendly tone with the living and true God of the universe. I am not saying I am flippant. But, because of the wonderful saving work of Christ on the cross, I feel invited into a personal relationship with God the Father...
I have discovered very quickly as a lawyer that there is no shortage of disputes. People disagree about all kinds of things and sometimes for a whole long time. One of the difficulties in modern society is this steady stream of new laws that are...
Sometimes we can doubt whether God is still with us and supporting us as we pursue the dream we believe He gave us. I have been tempted to give up and I’ve watched many become discouraged. Maybe obstacles arise or adversaries stand in the way...
Life is filled with disappointment and delay. There are times when instead of immediately achieving or arriving, we are re-routed. I face challenges must differently today than when I was younger. When I look at “wilderness...
I am aware of several times God has rescued me. And I imagine there are hundreds of times that I am simply unaware. God is gracious! How about you? Has He ever rescued you from situations threatening your life, livelihood, or harm? I know that...
I heard about certain goats that ‘freeze’ or fall over stiff as a board when they are suddenly surprised or scared. I believe they are called myotonic. I think as people we might be the same when consumed with fear. But, when we place...
A lot of things take two weeks. Every construction project takes two more weeks to finish. Christmas break is two weeks. When you quit a job, you give two weeks notice. The Covid lockdown will last… you guessed it, two weeks. Some medical...
After the Passover experience, God initiated a constant remembrance with an annual week of unleavened bread (leaven representing sin, unleavened representing holiness) and a final celebration. In addition, He reminded His people that the firstborn...
There have been many sad days in history. 911. Challenger disaster. Perhaps one of the saddest days in all of history was the judgment of Egypt. The Egyptians (and Pharaoh) continued to put their faith in idols and false gods. Ultimately, God...
Christians are supposed to live lives of distinction (we have been called out of the world and into God’s kingdom). Too many are trying to “fit in” where they don’t belong. Many people think when it comes to God...
We’ve all heard the saying “seeing is believing” and for most, that’s true. But, when a heart is hardened toward God, even seeing miracles will not change them. God values faith and rewards obedience. When the officials of...
Ever hear someone say “God loves everyone the same”? Sure, I have. But, there is a group of people who ‘belong’ to Him. They are His “peeps” (People). They are those who have made a conscious decision to embrace...
Have you heard the phrase “what have you done for me lately”? Sometimes people in power discount the success of the recent past or think you are not really necessary to the success of the future. That’s what happened with Moses...
I can get stuck in my ways. The thought of something new, different or a change isn’t on my radar. My heart and mind can become closed to new possibilities. I think we are all that way. We get hardened in our heart and thoughts, immovable, and...
Can great leaders doubt? Everyone leads something. At a minimum we are all leading ourselves. Every mother leads her children. Athletes and boy scouts lead at moments or seasons. Ministries for God’s glory began as an idea but required someone...
God is the same, yesterday, today and always. He is immutable. His character is dependable. While He never changes in the sense of who He is… He does bring about changes in our lives! When you become a Christian, the Holy Spirit begins to sift...
I’ve gotten stuck at times and delayed acting on what I believed God wanted for my life. Sometimes God places within our minds and hearts what He wants to do. He gives us ‘the plan’, but we may not comprehend all of His plan. If we...
I have often wondered why the burning bush was not consumed? Is there a message for Moses contained in the miracle and phenomena? Or was he experiencing something rather common and natural? Joe Schwarcz PhD has hypothesized that “the Dictamnus...
Have you noticed that there are different seasons in life. You could almost describe or define certain periods- “it was a season of joy, luxury, suffering, love, etc.” And then that season ends and a new one begins. But, exactly how long...
I have said and done some terrible things in my life that I regret but cannot take back. Even God’s great saints would confess the same. This is why we all need a Savior. Paul gave hearty approval of Stephen’s death. Moses slew the...
There are moments in life when we may be asked by someone in authority to do something immoral and contrary to God’s character. It might be a manager in our workplace, a governmental official, or even a king. Failure to obey may cost you...
I hold to a Christian world view. I believe in a world that includes and I see how He is involved in our world and the lives of people. That doesn’t mean I think everything in the world happens according to His will. Evil is real, people make...