When Disappointment Visits

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disappointmentBe angry, and do not sin.
Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still. Selah
Offer the sacrifices of righteousness,
And put your trust in the Lord. Psalms 4

At some point in our lives we will be mistreated, judged unfairly, and overlooked for promotion. David’s life was filled with many situations like these. His godly advice is to turn toward God, faithfully do what is right while trusting in the Lord.

Does this describe how I respond in situations where I am hurt or mistreated? Have I come to live this way? I believe God is growing me in this area. I desire to be longsuffering and faithful to God, no matter what is happening to me.

Lord, often I am the source of other’s anguish or feelings of being mistreated. Forgive me, as I forgive others. Would you bless me, our school and the entire ministry team of staff and volunteers at Crossroads. You know what keeps me awake at night. Give your servant the peaceful rest that comes from righteousness.

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