Unsafe Building

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unsafe buildingLike a city that is broken into and without walls is a man who has no control over his spirit. Proverbs 25:28

In this collection of proverbs Solomon ends with the idea that a man who is devoid of self control is an unfortified city. Sadly, many people are impulsive and out of control. Our culture seems to celebrate and reward this kind of indulgence and behavior. The Bible says that the fruit of the Spirit is many things, including self control. A city is a place of protection and safety. What a great analogy. Some people should have a sign posted: unsafe building!

How self-controlled am I? Are there any areas of my city wall that are vulnerable? What does God need to do in my character development so that I am a wonderful refuge to others?

God, oh I thank you for all You are doing to shore me up. Help me grow and develop into a wonderful city on a hill that supports, encourages and provides safety for others. Control me by the power of your indwelling Holy Spirit so that I might truly be self controlled.

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