I didn’t have the advantage of growing up in the church. So, when I embraced the forgiveness of God as a teenager, it was like being born again and with a sense of freedom from the guilt and shame and impending judgment. I was pardoned and I knew it. Today, 43 three years later, my faith in Christ is more precious than ever and my desire is that everyone in my family and circle of friendships would come to know the love of God as I have. Its fascinating to make the distinction, I wasn’t found not guilty of sin, I was pardoned by a gracious judge (who paid my penalty in full). Some will go their entire life without appropriating the pardon awaiting them. Why? They either neglect the salvation available (Hebrews 4), or worse yet, see Jesus as somehow operating equivalent or in conjunction with Satan the enemy of our soul. Both leave people in an unpardonable state. So, my advice, my plea, my sincere desire is that you would come to the throne of grace and receive the forgiveness of God, repent and turn from you own way to His.
“Truly I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons and daughters of men, and whatever blasphemies they commit; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin”— because they were saying, “He has an unclean spirit.” Mark 3:28-30 NASB
How grateful am I that I have been pardoned? In what ways is my life now different? Who can I pray for today who is yet to find salvation?
God, as this day begins- I am looking forward to what You have planned. I pause to pray for Carol as she has her 94th birthday. I pray her anxiousness dissipates and she is at home with family enjoying the adulation from all her friends as well. Thank you for coming into my life and giving it profound purpose. May I be a blessing to others today.