To Die Is Gain

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die is gainFor to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21

This famous verse comes from the Apostle Paul writing from house arrest to the believers in Philippians. Its almost as if he realizes that this time, God may not release him from prison. Later in this letter Paul says “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.” Its almost a farewell. His profound understanding of what his life was all about is clearly stated: Christ. The Savior who came into the world had radically altered his life and become the chief purpose of his life. To die at this point in his life, after serving Jesus Christ and proclaiming the gospel throughout Judea, Israel, Asia Minor and Rome, was actually the culmination of his life. What an amazing attitude. The letter to the Philippians shows us how to think about life and God and other people.

Can I say the same? That I am ready to die? Do I have that holy tension of knowing that I am right with God and heaven awaits and that will actually be better than life right now? All the will realizing, I have godly purpose here and now… because I am ministering (as the apostle Paul was) to people who need my influence, encouragement, instruction and example?

God, today I pray that You will use every word I speak to help people.

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