The Allure of Foreign Women

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What has happened to us is a result of our evil deeds and our great guilt, and yet, our God, you have punished us less than our sins deserved and have given us a remnant like this. Ezra 9:13

God is a gracious God. Though He is righteous and chastises us in our sin, notice that Ezra says God punished his people far less than deserved. In this case, the people of God married foreign women who caused them to practice detestable idolatry. Ezra led his people into a time of repentance and focused back on God and His plan.

Are their any “foreign women” in my life? Not literal, but distractions to God and His plan?

God, I am so glad to be part of your great plan of redemption, both personally as a saved sinner, but moreover part of your people winning others to Jesus Christ. Again today, please do more than I could imagine… I will give You the glory due Your name.

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