On A Mission From God

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I feel like my life has God-honoring purpose. Not because I am special or different from anyone else, but because I have said Yes to Jesus and tried to be obedient to becoming who He wants me to be and to do that which He calls me to do. That feels pretty good, even though its not always easy. You could say I feel like each day “I am on a mission from God”! Maybe not like Jake and Elwood. Unfortunately, I think many people feel very differently. They feel like square pegs in round holes. Only occasionally do they swerve into God’s will and think “wow!, that was amazing. God used me to do something eternal”. I wish it were the everyday occurrence for everyone. Moses said yes to God, but he dragged his feet a bit. He wanted too much information before committing. That frustrated God. It was enough for God to say “I am with You”. Is that enough for me? You?

But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” And God said, “I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain.” Exodus 3: 11-12 NIV

What is God calling me to be and do in this moment? This season?

God, as this day begins- I am so grateful for being included in Your kingdom. May I be of use to You today. Thank you for the people You’ve appointed to walk through life with. May Your purposes be clear to me. I pray I can share my faith and the gospel with someone who needs it today!

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