No Doubt

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noDoubtBut the eleven disciples proceeded to Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had designated. When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some were doubtful. Matthew 28:16-17

Jesus showed Himself to the disciples a number of times after he came back to life (was resurrected). With all that had happened in such a short period of time, some were still doubtful. How is that possible? He said He would suffer and die and come back alive. Then it happened just as He said it would. There they are back in Galilee (home) worshiping the resurrected Jesus, and yet still doubting!

How about me? Has Jesus really made any less of a revelation of Himself to me? Not really. So, I too should not doubt. There is a part of me that wants to cry out like the disciples “help my unbelief”. But honestly at this moment, my faith is full and my doubt is small.

Oh Lord Jesus, I believe in You and I believe You are working miracles today. There are two big requests I am making before you… one to heal and restore a girl who is ill… and the second is to draw a love done to salvation a public commitment to You.

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