I saw a video of a ‘crazy Denver Bronco lady/fan’ on instagram. She was obviously upset that her team was losing to the Miami Dolphins. I imagine someone rubbed it in and it set her off. Earlier that day, I hugged a Green Bay Packers fan at church. So what?… you may say. I am a die hard Viks fan and we have now lost 3 in a row. We are hurting and the Packers are crosstown rivals. But, in Christ- we have peace with each other and live without hostility. That’s what happened so long ago for those who put their faith in Christ. The Gentiles who were lost and without hope in the world found it in the Jewish Messiah- Jesus. How amazing that God included those far away from Him as well as those near. No matter how ‘lost’ someone seems right now, keep praying for them to turn their heart to Christ. Miracles happen, after all I hugged a Packer fan!
Remember that you were at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the people of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of the promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who previously were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ. Ephesians 2:12b-13
How grateful am I that God included me, someone far off, in His forever family? Who is far from God that I might pray for today?
God, as this day begins- I realize Your plan is to include all people in the family of God. Thank you that we who have put our trust in Jesus, received forgiveness, are ambassadors to those who haven’t yet realized ‘they can be included’. As I look ahead at what task I must complete today, please proceed me and make my path straight and productive. May You open up a spiritual conversation with someone far off, so I lead them to You.