I Am Ready to Die

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SimeonSovereign Lord, as you have promised, you may now dismiss your servant in peace.
For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations:
a light for revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of your people Israel.  Luke 2:29-32

Simeon was a priest who desired to see God’s Savior come into the world, and he did! When the baby Jesus arrived to be consecrated as the first born male, Simeon rejoiced. He said to God, now You may dismiss your servant in peace. In other words, I am ready to die, because I have seen that God’s salvation work has come to its climax.

When I gave my life to follow Jesus Christ, the resolve entered my life: I am at peace, live or die. Jesus answers the deepest questions of life… What happens when I die? What’s my purpose for living? Where did I come from… and where am I going?

God, thank you that profound purpose and peace are mine. Not by my doing, but from You. Would you cause this day to be filled with eternal purpose in every conversation, email, act of kindness. Help me be always ready to die, so that I might truly live!

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