I am blessed with two brothers. I have some friends that I call brothers and I know they would stick as close as a brother. But, not everyone is my brother or sister… if they were, there wouldn’t be any power or meaning in calling someone a brother. Jesus made the spiritual distinction as to who is His brother, sister or mother when He said “it is those who do the will of God”. When we put our faith and trust in Him, we are forgiven of sins and adopted into the forever family of God. We join a multitude of brothers and sisters from everywhere in the world. Let’s be a bit careful when we say “Hey Bro!”
Then His mother and His brothers *came, and while standing outside they sent word to Him, calling for Him. And a crowd was sitting around Him, and they *said to Him, “Behold, Your mother and Your brothers are outside looking for You.” Answering them, He *said, “Who are My mother and My brothers?” And looking around at those who were sitting around Him, He *said, “Here are My mother and My brothers! For whoever does the will of God, this is My brother, and sister, and mother.” Mark 3:32-35 NASB
Who in my circle knows they can count on me like a brother? In what ways am I doing the will of God?
God, as this day begins- I want to say thank you for the brothers you appointed for me in this life. I am grateful for Brad and Jimbo! I marvel at the close friends who have become brothers to me- the surf clan (Vince, Aipa Joe, Kelly, JR and Charlie), and also the brothers at church and in my home Bible study. Wow! Jesus, You have added a hundredfold to my life. For this I am rich and grateful.