Getting Ready

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I enjoy starting my day with a similar routine. Part of my pattern is reading a chapter from the Bible, journaling, and praying. Some have called this “intentional intimacy”, “devotional” or “time alone with God”. I feel like I am far more prepared to face the day’s challenges, address the opportunities and to be sensitive to other people. God, is then able to work in me and through me. My whole attitude is different. Jesus often did the same thing. During the final days of His earthly ministry, he would enter the temple very early in the morning and many came to hear Him. Can you imagine starting your day with Jesus in person?! How amazing that must have been. Can you imagine how awesome the rest of your day would be?

Now during the day He was teaching in the temple, but at evening He would go out and spend the night on the mountain that is called Olivet.  And all the people would get up very early in the morning to come to Him in the temple to listen to Him. Luke 21:37-38 NASB

To what degree is God in control of my day? How faithful am I to seek Him, His Word, and His ways each day?

God, as this day continues- I am so glad that You are willing to meet me where I am, through the pages of scripture, speaking to me by them and the abiding Holy Spirit, literally preparing me for what only You know is ahead, so that I might be the person You desire in all situations. I feel ready today!

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