Could You Help A Brother In Need?

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I have to work at keeping my heart soft and open to the needs of others. My tendency is to get caught up in what I am doing, my goals, earthly aspirations and accumulations. In doing so, I might not allow my heart to be moved to the point of action when I see a “brother” in need. Does anyone remember the Bugs Bunny cartoon where a ‘Humphrey Bogart’ character keeps asking Bugs “Hey, could help a fellow American who’s down on his luck?” Bugs flips his a couple of quarters and says “Hit the road!” If Bugs can be compassionate, how much more can I?

But whoever has the world’s goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him? Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth. We will know by this that we are of the truth, and will assure our heart before Him in whatever our heart condemns us; for God is greater than our heart and knows all things. 1 John 3:17-20 NASB

What brother do I know who is in need? How can I best use the worldly goods that I have?

God, as this day begins- You have been so generous and gracious with me. You’ve allotted so much within my control. May I use the world’s goods for Your glory and not merely my own. Impart to me Your wisdom and insight. Give me eyes to see my brother in need and respond with a tender heart. Let’s go make a difference today.

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