The Free Disciple

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freedomSo Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. John 8:31-32

I met a young man named Anthony last night. He had abused methamphetamine’s for nearly five years. I asked him if he wanted to be free. He did! But, I know the difficult journey ahead to freedom is not possible on his own, he will need God. Believing what Jesus said is the beginning. Continuing to live according to His example and teaching is what defines us as His (a disciple). The great benefit that comes with that relationship is personal freedom. God can release us from anything, experience or anyone oppressing us.
We experience:
Freedom from the penalty of sin
Freedom from the power of sin
Freedom to approach the throne of God
Freedom to eat all foods
Freedom to worship God in spirit and truth
Freedom… the list goes on an on!

Does my life display a continual obedience to Jesus’ word? Am I using my freedom in any way as a cloak for vice?

Lord Jesus, the best day of my life was the day I said ‘yes’ to You. I love Your Holy Word and I fell in love the first time I read the gospel. Please continue to set me free day by day. I want to live in truth and grace. May I extend this freedom to others and not hoard it for myself. I love being a free disciple. God, I pray that Anthony will meet me at Celebrate Recovery this Friday night.

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