I Fought The Law, And The Law Won

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the lawFor all who have sinned without the Law will also perish without the Law, and all who have sinned under the Law will be judged by the Law; for it is not the hearers of the Law who are just before God, but the doers of the Law will be justified. Romans 2:12-13

Whether we have the advantage of knowing the Bible or not, we will be God’s judgement is based upon what we do with the knowledge we have. The most important thing we can do is respond in faith to God and His revelation of Himself in nature, through our God-given conscience, observing what others who do that is right, and the finally, through the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

When did I respond to God in faith? In small degrees throughout my life, and ultimately when I submitted my will to His and responded to a gospel invitation. It was then I prayed a prayer of repentance at a pastor Greg Laurie revival event. I stepped out publicly as a sign that I was following Jesus the rest of my life. Later, I was baptized in Perris lake as an outward sign of dying to my old self and ways, to walk a brand new life in Christ.

God, thank you that I will avoid judgement, because Jesus paid the penalty for my sins and because I have responded in faith to You. I know even that faith was a gift from You. I owe it all to You and so You have my life available completely for You and Your cause. I hope today we can complete that project that will bless some wonderful people. Looking forward to it.

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