The Madman

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madmanLike a madman who throws firebrands, arrows and death,
So is the man who deceives his neighbor and says, “Was I not joking? Proverbs 16:18-19

In this collection of proverbs, Solomon reveals the ways of fools. Fools have a harder time than even I do controlling their tongue. Their words are hurtful and careless. And they usually don’t know what they are saying. I remember when we declared our church a “sarcasm free zone”. What a wonderful difference it made in our relationships.

Are their any firebrands, arrows or death in my speech? Would I have to “retract” anything I am saying about someone when they are not around (if they actually were right there)? I hope not.

Lord, help me be wise and not a fool in what I say! Jesus, all Your words were choice oracles of God. Help me speak well of others or remain silent. God, I want to have my speech seasons (as it were) with grace. In Jesus name.

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