About Time

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about timeTeach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12

I saw a really good movie called “About Time”. It contains some wonderful wisdom, not unlike that of Psalm 90. In Moses’ psalm he reflects on God’s eternal nature and our temporal life on earth. He says we have seventy or eighty years at best. In light of the brevity of life, we are to number our days. In other words, we are to spend them wisely. It all begins with a proper submission to God and His will, knowing He is eternal.

How am I doing in this area? Am I walking in wise ways as I live ‘numbering my days’?

Lord, teach me to do just that… to make every day count, even today! Oh I love You. Your ways are sweet to me. I can’t wait to gather together with others and worship today.

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